ISMES Summer school 2020

EUREC will offer full scholarships to 3 students to go to ISMES IX – Materials for Energy and Sustainability summer school 2020 in Catania, Italy.

The aim of the School is to present the state-of-the-art and the future perspectives for materials applied to the generation and storage of renewable and sustainable energy. Lectures will be given by some of the most recognized academic and industrial experts, merging physics, chemistry and engineering knowledge in several fields. A general overview of the global energy landscape will be presented by discussing also conventional energy sources and next generation nuclear production.

Topics of the school are:

  • the global warming issue
  • conventional and sustainable technologies
  • solar energy conversion (PV and thermal)
  • thermoelectric energy conversion, solar fuels, wind energy conversion, fuel cells, storage and vehicles.

The School will be a great opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows from around the world to meet with and learn from their peers, and established experts in a friendly atmosphere, reaping benefit in terms of enthusiasm, knowledge and new ideas and benefiting the future of mankind.

Follow us for further details!