Core Providers

The core provides a solid foundation in the key energy technologies (wind, solar, bioenergy, hydropower). Theoretical courses which also examine the socio-economic issues surrounding the deployment of these technologies are supported by laboratory workshops. The studies for the core can be done in French, English or Spanish.

The student can choose one of the following:

The Core providers all teach these subjects:

  • Core Foundation
  • Core Solar
  • Core Wind
  • Core Biomass
  • Core Water
  • Introduction socio-economics issues

Each University has its own teaching methods – distribution of modules can be organised differently – nevertheless we ensure that at the end of the core semester all EUREC students have the same understanding and the same knowledge on basic renewable energy technologies,enabling them to follow any of the offered specialisations. Please click here to see the harmonised learning outcomes for the core semester.

30 ECTS credits will be awarded for passing the core semester following these harmonised learning outcomes.