
Mines Paris – PSL

Mines Paris – PSL has been a member of EUREC since 1991. PERSEE (Center for Processes, Renewable Energy and Energy Systems) is one of the 18 Research Centres of Mines Paris – PSL. It is composed of about 60 people located at Sophia Antipolis (south east of France) the biggest European Technopole. Upon their arrival at Sophia Antipolis, students register with Mines Paris – PSL as full time postgraduate students. They remain registered as Mines Paris – PSL students throughout the full duration of the programme and their degree is awarded by Mines Paris – PSL.

Practical Information

Teaching methods

This core provider requires the students to undertake a mini project: all students are given a question on which they must work together throughout the first semester. In December, they present their proposed solutions. Students also enjoy a high level of interaction with the professors.


Mines Paris – PSL’s website provides guidance in finding students’ accommodation. Students are encouraged to arrange housing alone: www.sophia.mines-paristech.fr/fr/lifestyle

However,students having problems in arranging accommodation themselves can contact Mrs Marie Jeanne Condo, who is able to provide a list of addresses to students.
Map of access to Mines Paris – PSL at Sophia Antipolis: www.sophia.mines-paristech.fr/fr/contactus

Since the European Master students will only be at Mines Paris – PSL for four months,they are advised to look for accommodation well in advance. The price of a room in a shared house is typically between 500 and 550€/month.

Health Insurance
Students from the European Union must ask for the E-128 form that gives them access to medical help and the social security. Students from countries outside the European Union or from those that do not have bi-lateral agreements with France must have a private insurance, as well as those that are not covered by the Social Security in their country.
Research Activities

Research activities at PERSEE in the field of Renewable Energies have focused essentially on the decentralized production of electricity through systems based photovoltaic (PV) conversion energy and wind energy.
They are based on:

  • the prediction of energy production of wind and solar power plants,
  • the optimal penetration of RE based power plants in the energy system and their optimal contribution in the energy market,
  • the predictive management of smart grids including storage and demand response management.

Other research activities outside renewable energies include: Materials and components for Energy, Energy Storage and conversion Processes, Plasma Process.

More information on research activities carried out at PERSEE can be found on www.persee.mines-paristech.fr/Accueil/Presentation/

Contact Persons

For specific queries regarding MINES-Paristech, please contact the appropriate person below.

For general inquiries please contact EUREC.

Andrea Michiorri, andrea.michiorri@minesparis.psl.eu

Registration with Mines-ParisTech upon arrival /Practical matters /Accommodation support:
Mrs Marie Jeanne Condo
Tel: (+33) 4 93 95 74 48
Fax: (+33) 4 97 15 71 48
E-mail: marie-jeanne.condo@minesparis.psl.eu
Website: https://www.minesparis.psl.eu/

Postal address of PERSEE:
Mines Paris – PSL
Rue Claude Daunesse
CS 10207
F- 06904 Sophia Antipolis
Cedex France